District Literary Rally Competition
22 St. Mary’s Dominican High School students placed in the following categories at District Literary Rally Competition at Southeastern Louisiana University:
English I: Mia DeGiovanni, 4th; Jane Bickerton, 3rd
English II: Sophia Law, 1st
English IV: Julia Cazabon, 2nd
Foreign Language
French I: Sara Landry, 2nd
French II: Adelaide Madary, 1st
Spanish I: Caroline Blais, 2nd
Algebra I: Mauve Storm, 4th
Geometry: Sydney Raymond, 2nd
Advanced Math-Pre Calculus: Anne D’Armond, 2nd; Camille Scandurro, 3rd
Calculus: Lillian Cerise, 1st
Biology I: Madison Ferguson, 3rd
Biology II: Eugenie Rodrigue, 3rd
Chemistry: Anaise Thomas, 4th
Physical Science: Lucy Perschall, 1st
Social Studies
World Geography: Elizabeth Mobley, 2nd
World History: Catherine Bickerton, 2nd
US History: Katherine Mazzanti, 3rd
Civics: Nia Smith, 2nd; Renee Breaux, 3rd
State Rally Competition
In State Rally Competition, over a quarter of a million Louisiana high school students participated in 10 District rallies held throughout the state with over 5,000 district winners advancing to State Rally at Louisiana State University. Dominican students received honors in First, Second or Fourth places in 12 different subject areas.
Overall Winners
Anne D’Armond, Advanced Math: Pre-Calculus
Lillian Cerise, Calculus I
First Place
Anne D’Armond, Advanced Math: Pre-Calculus
Lillian Cerise, Calculus I
Anaise Thomas, Chemistry
Adelaide Madary, French II
Sydney Raymond, Geometry
Jasmine Ferrier, Latin I
Anna Fayard, Latin II
Elizabeth Mobley, World Geography
Second Place
Maeve Storm, Algebra I
Brooklyn Comeaux, Journalism
Caroline Blais, Spanish I
Fourth Place
Sophia Law, English II
Open Foreign Language
French II Interpretive Reading: Kennedy Payne, Good
French II Extemporaneous Speaking: Catalina Torres, Good
French III Extemporaneous Speaking: Emilie Wensel, Good
French III: Interpretive Reading: Sydney Raymond, Excellent
Spanish III: Extemporaneous Speaking: Vivian Liu, Excellent
Music Events
Girls Vocal Solo High Voice: Molly Gaffney and Elise Bourg, Superior
Girls Vocal Solo Low Voice: Annie Smith and Elise Karcher, Superior