St. Mary’s Dominican High School honored faculty and staff for service years ranging from five to 55 years. Sr. M. Dominic Savio Estorge, O.P., recognized for 55 years of service, has a distinguished tenure that included faculty, administrative, and leadership positions. Sr. Savio also taught English, served as assistant principal, and was president from 1994 to 1997. For 12 years, she served on the General Counsel for the Dominican Sisters of St. Mary. Currently, she is cataloging the school’s archives while continuing her work in the Attendance Office.
Asked about her years of service, she replied with a smile, “One does not come to work for 55 years unless it is a good place to be.”

Sr. M. Dominic Savio Estorge, O.P., (left) is congratulated by St. Mary’s Dominican High School Principal Carolyn Favre during the school’s personnel service awards ceremony.
Other honorees and their years of service: 40 years – Aline Delgado (Religion) and Eva Rezza (Social Studies); 35 years – Bro. Roger Shondel, O.P. (Guidance); and 30 years – Bob Florence (Facilities); 20 years – Ryan Reuter (Science), Sheri Salvagio (Instructional Administration), and Paul Spitzfaden (Social Studies/Athletics); 15 years – Beverly Battiste (Instructional), Jessica Chatellier (Health/Physical Education), Frank Cusimano, Jr. (Religion), Evelyn Maggio (Guidance), and Mazie Stewart (English)
10 years – Jennifer Frosch (Fine Arts), Janine Koenig (Science), Suzanne Ladmirault (Guidance), Joe Maddie (Maintenance), Theresa Maquar (Science), and Wayne Rupp (Foreign Language); 5 years – Celeste Anding (Advancement), Darryl Blappert (Security), Sandra Cordray (Advancement), Lauren Coumes (English), Cynthia Donnelly, O.P. (Religion), Crissy Giacona (Science), Mark Gonnella (Religion), Anjel Guitroz (Science), Courtney Margot (Advancement), Catherine Thomson (Finance), and Nicky Wood (Health/Physical Education).