St. Mary’s Dominican High School held induction ceremonies on campus for new members of the school’s Alumnae Advisory Council during ceremonies following Mass in the Mary Queen of the Rosary Chapel. Officers are Sally Russo ’04, President; Nelita Manego Ramey ’79, President Elect; and Caroline McCall ’09, Secretary. Council members contribute to the growth and expansion of the Alumnae Association by supporting its activities and the advancement of Dominican High School and Dominican Catholic education.
New members are Shelley Mateu Cesulka ’92, Sr. Mary Dominic Savio Estorge, OP ’56, Jordan Ruppert Finney ’11, Kathleen Ciaccio Giler ’71, Nancy Miller Glueck ’84, Shannon Hauler ’01, Alyssa Helwig ’20, Cynthia Lanza Jacobson ’69, Kathleen Swiler LaGrange ’71, Samantha Lee ’09, Casey Lefante ’00, Sr. Angeline Magro, OP ’55, Vallerie Maurice ’78, Melanie Menes ’03, Karla Bonilla Peyton ’88, Samantha Ramey ’13, Bianca San Martin ’08, Denise Marrero St. Cyr ’82, and Marion Wineinger ’11.
They join current members Marley Bankston Belou ’05, Natalee Buisson ’11, Christie Morriz Burke ’70, Yvonne Calvo ’82, Sarah Ragusa Douglas ’06, Laura Danna Fordham ’98, Allison Hymel ’00, Katherine Johnson ’01, Margaret Peters Ludwig ’03, Therese Adorno Massa ’02, Caroline McCall ’09, Kathleen McGlone ’98, Ashley Wolfe O’Shields ’99, Petrea Latham Rhode ’83, Nelita Manego Ramey ’79, Erin Lunn Ricouard ’84, Sally Russo ’04, Janice Cory Scott ’70, Jennifer Cernich Theriot ’96, and Cleta Bujol Toepfer ’98.
Seated (from left): St. Mary’s Dominican High School Alumnae Advisory Council Members at induction ceremonies are President Elect Nelita Manego Ramey, President Sally Russo, and Secretary Caroline McCall. Standing: Sr. Mary Dominic Savio Estorge, OP, Petrea Latham Rhode, Shannon Hauler, Past President Kathleen McGlone, Jordan Ruppert Finney, Janice Cory Scott, Casey Lefante, Kathy Ciaccio Giler, Samantha Lee, Samantha Ramey, Alyssa Helwig, Vallerie Maurice, Sr. Angeline Magro, OP, and Nancy Miller Glueck.
St. Mary’s Dominican High School Alumnae Association Director Celeste Shelsey Anding ’82 pins the Veritas pin on Sally Russo, President of Dominican’s Alumnae Advisory Council.