May Crowning, May 18, 2023
Caroline Dawson ’23
Today we celebrate Mary, who God crowned as Queen of Heaven and Earth. Mary is the perfect example of the woman Dominican teaches us to become, and we should aspire to give ourselves to God just as she did. Along with our focus on academics, Dominican encourages us to become faith-filled women whose identity and worth are found in Christ. On the seniors’ last day, Mrs. Favre reminded us that a Dominican diploma holds greater value than just one’s academic achievements. Here, we are built to become strong, independent women who go out into the world serving others and Christ. The sisterhood of this school teaches us to constantly grow into who God made us to be and seek relationships with Him and others.
Madeline Kerber ’23
It is meaningful to each of us that Mary is the patron saint of our school because she serves as the ultimate example of what it means to be a willing daughter of Christ. Mary’s humility allowed her to recognize that God had greater plans for her than she could have ever imagined. As women and children of God, we must acknowledge that we are nothing without Him. He is omnipotent, meaning He is all powerful. Since He is bigger than every high and every low, our journey of discovering who He created us to be consists of striving to be more like Him. Throughout our high school years, Dominican teaches us to always work toward the good and betterment of ourselves both academically and spiritually.
Annie Leingang ’23
If we were to sit comfortably with every worldly thing we desire, we would be nothing once it is all taken away. In order to mirror Mary’s image, we must have the faith to surrender our own will and humbly say, “God, I trust Your timing and will for my life because I believe it will draw me and others closer to You.” Only then will progress be made and goodwill be done in the world. Through Mary surrendering her own future plans, the entire world became able to know her Son, Jesus Christ. That great sacrifice is the reason why Mary is the epitome, the most perfect woman to walk the earth. Mary shows us how to say yes to God, by denying ourselves and the pride that the world tries to fill us with.
Megan Douglass ’23
Once you graduate from St. Mary’s Dominican High School, the titles that define you now will fade, but the woman you have become will stay with you forever. What remains is what’s within. God gives us each our identity as His children, and that is the only thing that lasts because He is eternal. He gives us the gift of eternal life which is more than anything the world could ever offer us. This is why we need to remain faithful and close to Him. Proverbs 31:25 depicts how God views the worth and value of His beloved daughters. It reads, “She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.” This is who we are. We are daughters who are beautifully and wonderfully made. These qualities are from God, so they are inherent, and no one can ever take that identity away from us. Mary walked the earth to exemplify the woman of God that we should aspire to be every day.