Dominican Students Perform in Honor Band Concert


A Toast of Praise to the following band students for their outstanding performance in the District VI Honor Band Concert on January 22 at Tulane University’s Dixon Hall Theatre.

Senior High Band:

French Horn – Lan Le and Andrea Garces

Oboe – Samantha Siliezar

Trumpet –  Alexis Favalora

Junior High Band:

Flute – Isabella Brockway

French Horn – Kate Heller

Trombone – Mary Clark and Abigail Pratt

Brenda Castillo is DHS Band Director.

District VI Band Directors Association (DBDA) is an organization comprised of members of Louisiana Music Educators Association – District VI. DBDA encompasses schools and school districts in Orleans, Jefferson, Plaquemines, and St. Bernard Parishes. Students in the District VI Junior High and Senior High Honor Bands go through an audition process before being accepted into the Honor Band.