Dominican Students Selected to District Honor Band, LMEA All-State Choir

St. Mary’s Dominican High School students were selected to perform in the District VI Honor Band and Louisiana Music Educators Association (LMEA) All-State Senior High Honor Mixed Choir.

District VI Band Directors Association (DBDA) is an organization comprised of members of Louisiana Music Education Association – District VI, DBDA encompasses schools and school districts in Orleans, Jefferson, Plaquemines, and St. Bernard Parishes. Students in the District VI Junior High and Senior High Honor Bands go through an audition process before being accepted in the Honor Band.

Students selected for the District Senior High Honor Band are senior Isabella Paul on clarinet; sophomore Camille (CC) Truxillo, baritone saxophone; and sophomore Kathryn Fine, trumpet. Eighth grader Leah Gilmore was selected to the District Junior High Honor Band. She placed first chair, clarinet.


Kathryn Fine also was selected to perform in the LMEA All-State Senior High Honor Mixed Choir. She will receive the LMEA Academic All-State Award.

Brenda Castillo, Fine Arts Department Chair at Dominican, is also director of the band and choir.