St. Mary’s Dominican High School saluted students for achievements in academics and service at the end of the school year Academic Honor Day. Student award recognition included District Rally, State Rally, Louisiana Music Educators Association, National French Contest, National Latin Awards, and National Spanish Examinations. A Salute to Seniors presentation recognized seniors in the National Honor Society, National Art Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta, Tri-M, Language Honor Societies, and also Advanced Placements, National Merit Recognition, Honor Graduates, and colleges and universities acceptances.
St. Mary’s Dominican College Corporation Scholarship
Caroline Bickerton received the St. Mary’s Dominican College Corporation Scholarship, presented by Sr. M. Dominic Savio Estorge, O.P. The annual scholarship is given in memory of the Dominican Sisters of St. Mary who established, maintained and supported both St. Mary’s Dominican College and St. Mary’s Dominican High School. Graduating seniors who have been accepted and are attending a Catholic college or university have the opportunity to apply for the scholarship.
Knights of Columbus Award
Cole Pittman received the Knights of Columbus Award, given to the senior who has displayed the principles of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism and in doing so has displayed the highest degree of citizenship by helping others especially those less fortunate.
Jay H. Banks District B City Council Citizenship Award
The Jay H. Banks District B City Council Citizenship Award for excellence in education and outstanding service was awarded to seniors (from left) Rebecca Koenig (left) and Kristen Larche, with Principal Carolyn Favre.
St. Mary’s Dominican Service Award
In their years at Dominican, the Class of 2018 completed 31,993 hours of service. Forty-nine students earned the St. Mary’s Dominican Service Award by performing over 200 hours. Students who completed more than 500 hours of service were Jolie Pugh (676 hours), Brooke Loupe (522 hours), Caroline Hensley (520 hours, Abigail Haydel (512 hours), and Caroline Troendle (510 hours).
Louisiana Students of the Year Award
Dr. RaeNell Houston, Superintendent of Catholic Schools for Archdiocese of New Orleans, presented an award to Lillian Cerise, 12th Grader of the Year New Orleans Archdiocese Nominee for Louisiana Students of the Year Awards Program. Molly Stavinoha was recognized as Dominican’s 8th Grader nominee.
Other awards included:
The 2017-2018 Executive Board (E-Board) officers Cole Pittman (Vice President), Katherine Mouton (Secretary), and Tia Peck (Treasurer) received E-Board medals in recognition of their outstanding leadership and service.
Louisiana Music Educators Association (LMEA) Awards
Elise Bourg – Certificate, Choir; Molly Gaffney – Silver, Orchestra; Lillian Cerise – Bronze, Orchestra; who received the LMEA All State Band-Choir-Jazz-Orchestra Academic Honors Award.
Alumnae Association Induction
Members of the Class of 2018 were inducted into the school’s Alumnae Association. Several alumnae presented each senior with a commemorative rosary as a symbol of sharing the Dominican legacy from one generation to the next. The rosaries were designed and made by Becky Bellows Crawford, Class of 1986.