The Biotechnology Club welcomed a visit from the staff of the NOPD Scientific Criminal Investigations (SCIS) Division, also known as Crime Lab. Commander Darryl Albert and the Crime Lab team of crime scene investigators gave an overview of their work and answered questions from the club members. The members also participated in a demonstration of developing latent fingerprints using magnetic powder.
When there is a crime, the NOPD’s nationally accredited Crime Lab and NOPD officers respond to the scene. The Crime Lab staff collect and process evidence from the crime scene that can be used in prosecutions. Sub-units of the Crime Lab handle specific aspects of evidentiary inspection, including crime scene investigators, ballistics, photo lab, narcotics and more. The division oversees evidence management and is responsible for the collection, processing, testing, storage, and disposition of all evidence and property received by the NOPD. Joining Commander Albert were: Criminalist Kiana Gordon, and Senior Police Officers Valerie Kees and Theodore Koelling.