While attending the Dominican Sisters of Peace Education Sponsorship Meeting in Columbus, Ohio, Dominican President Dr. Cynthia A. Thomas OPA, St. Mary’s Dominican High School Board Chair Jill C. Cabes, and Vice-President Dominican Catholic Identity Dr. Maureen S. Wright OP, had the distinct pleasure of meeting with author Sr. Mary Ann Fatula, OP. Sr. Mary Ann taught at Ohio Dominican University for more than 30 years, where she was beloved by her students. She has authored Catherine of Siena’s Way, The Holy Spirit: Unbounded Gift of Joy, Thomas Aquinas: Preacher and Friend, Heaven’s Splendor, and Drawing Close to the Holy Spirit. Most recently, in celebration of the Year of the Eucharist, she completed The Wonders of the Mass and the Eucharist: Insights of the Saints. In this newest work she explores the devotion of our predecessors in faith and inspires us to reflect on the depth of meaning of the Eucharist in our lives through such inspired writing as “(St.) Thomas (Aquinas) tenderly comments that we ourselves long to be with our own loved ones not merely through our thoughts and memories, but also, and most of all, physically. This is why the Lord, who passionately loves us, continues to give us His physical presence through the Sacrament of the Eucharist.”